i will not speak of your sin

Summary: One way or another he is cursed to kill his tethers, cursed to outlive them all. All because Hatake Kakashi drank from the fountain of youth. (Five acts of Kakashi’s consequence to forever.)

  • Rating: M
  • Trigger Warning/s: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death/s
  • Relationships: Haruno Sakura & Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura & Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi & Uzumaki Naruto, Team Kakashi Dynamics
  • Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke
  • Additional Tags: Violence, Murder, Fountain of Youth, Immortality, Moral Ambiguity, Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence, Part 1 of an Incomplete Series
  • Part 1 of “But the blood on my hands scares to me death” Series.
  • Also on AO3 and FF.net.

Author’s Note: Please heed the warnings and tags. The fic and act titles are from the song Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons. This is a prologue of sorts, more a background, for part 2 of the series I am working on called “But the blood on my hands scares me to death” Series.

i will not speak of your sin

Act 1: Kakashi + the pull on my flesh was just too strong

Echoes of his dragging feet are all that he could hear inside the cave. Not his ragged breathes nor the patter of his blood dripping on the smooth rock floor. This is normal. For him that is. Self-censoring of his wounds, and desensitization of his injuries are normal for Anbu Captain Hatake Kakashi.

This is his 113th scroll retrieval mission in his entire career since he was six. The 34th S-Rank mission since he was thirteen. And overall, his 886th mission done exactly on his 21st birthday.

Kakashi doesn’t celebrate it. Not when he is deep inside a cave that the light outside doesn’t reach him, and he is completely bathed in darkness and blood.

Enemy blood, his blood, it doesn’t matter. He only has basic healing skills he copied from field medics, not enough to completely close the bigger wounds. Not enough chakra for the smaller ones either.

Slumping on his back on a jutting rock, Kakashi removes his Anbu mask. He breathes but the air gets stuck in his throat when blood surges up from his wounded stomach. Coughing, he presses on the slash wound on his thigh, the spot where a major artery is. The blood is sluggish as it oozes out.

He truly is at his limit. Heaving himself up on his remaining strength, Kakashi trudges to the edge of the cave and discovers a fountain with a pool of freshwater.

He kneels just at the edge of the pool where he pulls down his mask, cups his palms to bring the liquid to his lips, and drinks. He drinks just one gulp because it is enough. The cool touch almost like a balm directly to his soul.

He begins to drift into unconsciousness when his wet fingers start to glow. He is too far gone to marvel at this strange sight, eyes sliding shut as the feeling of falling into the pool envelops him.

Kakashi sleeps.

He wakes up without a scratch and heads home to report his successful retrieval. He doesn’t mention the fountain in the cave. Not when the pool dried up and the cave collapsed the moment he stepped out of it.

There is no evidence of this miracle. He goes on with his life as if he didn’t drink from the fountain at all.

Continue reading “i will not speak of your sin”

i am one (but you are a million)

Summary: He lives forever. She lives to die. It’s a cycle he will never get used to as long as Kaguya’s plague beats in his chest.

Alternate Summary: Cursed with immortality, Kakashi serves and protects Sakura in every single one of her lives. She is Kaguya made human, reborn again and again to erase the plague. The same plague that consumes lives to give Kakashi his eternal one.

  • Rating: T
  • Trigger Warning/s: Major Character Death/s
  • Relationships: Hatake Kakashi & Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi/Haruno Sakura, Haruno Sakura & Uzumaki Naruto
  • Characters: Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Uzumaki Naruto, Ootsuki Kaguya
  • Additonal Tags: Alternate Universe – Reincarnation, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Friendship, Guardian-Ward Relationship, Partially Completed, Work In Progress
  • Also on AO3 and FF.net.

Author’s note: This is inspired by Caius and Yeul’s (from FFXIII-2) Guardian/Ward relationship where Caius is immortal and protects the Yeul reincarnations. I added some vague FFXV lore too.

i am one (but you are a million)


He is a warrior first, a man second.

For a plague had killed his wife right after he married her. She wasn’t the only one inflicted by the disease because only he was left alive in their small village. It was a miracle and a curse. He didn’t want to live without her.

But their Goddess had a plan for him it seems; he is alive because of a little girl. She healed him and she did it when she is six, only six. Her name is Sakura, all pink hair and green eyes. He wanted to weep at the sight of her. His wife in a small girl. Kaguya-sama you’ve blessed us.

But she isn’t the same, this he learned. The same face and nothing more.

“I am Sakura. I am the cure.” She told him and that’s when he knew, she is the healer of not only him, but of this world.

The plague of the stars was the Goddess’s lethal dose. The poison she crafted to kill humanity. And she had given him eternal life, her heart beats in his chest. For as long as he is alive, she too will send forth the plague.

“I am Kakashi. My purpose is to protect you until the last of you dies.” Because Sakura will succumb to the plague soon, with every person she cures, death shines brighter in her sea glass eyes, consuming her until she is all but alive.


The second time he meets her she’s holding onto the body of a drenched blonde boy. Her shoulders are shaking and she’s got fat tears and snot dripping down her chin. 

“Sakura?” The name isn’t foreign on his tongue even though he’s only met her once. Twice now as she seeks his eyes.

“He’s dead!” She shrieks and clutches the blonde boy tighter. “I’ll kill him!”

It’s not the plague that claimed the boy’s life. It’s murder because he drowned right under another boy’s hand.

“I’ll be your friend now. Don’t cry Sakura.” He tries to console her but she doesn’t let the blonde boy go.

“I’ll kill Sasuke.” She says and he shakes his head. Little girls aren’t supposed to be murderers.

“How old are you anyway?”


“Only nine?”

She nods and he feels a weight dropping on his chest.

“Four more years.” He says plainly.

Before you die again.

Continue reading “i am one (but you are a million)”

[DRAFT] let the human in

Draft of Part 2 of “I am lost and led only by the stars”. Introducing a child OC of mine.


cage me like an animal, a crown with gems and gold

He’s been wandering Insomnia for ten years now, waiting for news about Noctis’ return. It took only a day and a few orders to transfer the Crystal to Angelgard. Light is the weight of the Crystal despite Ardyn witnessing it swallow a whole person. It had glowed softly as if satisfied with its meal and Ardyn had thought it pitiful to have been the unfortunate living being to be chosen as its raw dinner.

Ah, but the Crystal is the soul of the world. It was only rightful that it ate the only untainted soul that walks. This may have been thought in jest but Ardyn cannot help feeling a small amount of bitterness somewhere in him. As usual, he harbors it and traps it along with his anger, holding onto the feelings amplified by the small whispers of the daemons with that same rage. 

He visits the throne room everyday, plays with illusions of its grandeur by hanging the corpse of the Emperor, the King, the Oracle, and the Glaive. Perfecting each detail from the color of the Emperor’s leather lapels to the ash and bones of Nyx Ulric’s arm, until they seem like the real thing and it gives Ardyn a bit of fun to imagine the Prince’s face upon seeing them.

Continue reading “[DRAFT] let the human in”

“I am lost and led only by the stars” character icons

Ardyn Izunia and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Top: Aera Mirus Fleuret and Ardyn Lucis Caelum
Bottom: Izunia Mirus Fleuret and Stella Nox Fleuret
Top: Nyx Ulric and Lunafreya Ulric
Bottom: Ardyn “Dinny” Ulric and Ava Ulric

SPOILERS FOR “i see you (and your diamond blues)” AND THE REST OF THE SERIES.

I made Picrew icons of the characters in my Series “I am lost and led only by the stars”. The first two of course are Ardyn and Luna during their relationship. Ardyn goes as the Chancellor and Luna is the Oracle.

Continue reading ““I am lost and led only by the stars” character icons”

krasivaya stella

в темном небе

я тебя вижу

когда ты бежишь

от солнечного света

это идет за тобой

море это горизонт

это где вы идете вниз

утонул на западе

красивая стелла

проглоченный морем

in the dark sky
i see you
when you run
from the light of the sun
it’s coming for you

the sea is the horizon
this is where you go down
drowned in the west
beautiful stella
swallowed by the sea

A poem I made for my FFXV fanfic “i see you”.

I’ve buried my love to give the world to you

Alexia’s orange dress

Gabriel saw as she fell. Her brown eyes darting to him. They had the expression of relentlessness, as if she knew what he was thinking the moment the forty eight bullets passed through her body. He saw her lips move and mouth to him a silent, “don’t bring her back”. A single shining tear sliding down her cheek.

He watched as Michael, who was on the other side of the field, stare at Alexia’s dead body in shock. He knew exactly what Michael felt.

Gabriel unwillingly remembered a scene exactly like what had just happened, and bit the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood.  He closed his eyes then shook his head, refusing her small plea.

Continue reading “I’ve buried my love to give the world to you”

Alpha, oh Alpha.

A/N: Made for the Alpha x Altan series. Adam Driver as Alpha and Daisy Ridley as Altan.

Alpha, oh Alpha.

I want the stars.

I want them in my palms.

I want all of them right here in my palms.

The stars.

They aren’t what I need only what I want.

It’s too late now.

I love him too much.

But he’s not what I need.

Alpha, you are what I need.

Alpha, I need you.

Please come get me.

Alpha take me with you.

I want the stars.

I want them in my palms.

Lore of the Hal

A/N: This is made for the Backstory of Altan Hal, the character of this account.

The Creation of Hal

Desperation of the core,

The light of the star bathes the soil,

Shooting forth,

the Progenitor Soul.


-Book of Hals, Exordium 1:1-5

Hal, the parent soul of the world comes alive through the creation of the Earth and the Sun. A single entity that is sentient, Hal observes the world and notes the lack of life.

Paulo Pascoal as Halta, and Jasmine Tookes as Halfa

Awake and but alone,

Hal creates life,

Death by self,

And thus Hal is reborn,

Split into two bodies.

Halfa and Halta,

Progenitor Souls.

-Book of Hals, Exordium 3:1-7

Alone in the world, Hal decides to create life by splitting their soul and housing them in two bodies. Thus, creating twin deities Halfa and Halta, the original souls of the world.

Continue reading “Lore of the Hal”

[DRAFT] “why is snow white? (because it forgot what color it was)”

Photo from Ankoku Joshi.

A/N: A draft of a dark Reylo fic I’ve been working on. INCOMPLETE and WORK IN PROGRESS.

x x x x



Rey Solo, 17, Student Council President and daughter of School Principal Leia Organa-Solo, was found lying dead on a pile of snow at the school premises this Thursday afternoon. The police are leaning towards foul play with their investigation since a few student and faculty witnesses claim to have heard Solo at the top floor of the faculty building, screaming and crying before plunging to her death on the thick snow covered ground below. The Principal has been seen mourning while her son, Rey Solo’s brother, has disappeared; this brings into light yet another case of unsolved death in the family. . . cont. pg 4.

x x x x

“Did Ms. Solo accidentally drop from the faculty building or was she taken there kicking and screaming only to be thrown off the roof to her death?” Dr. Snoke, the Astronomy club’s advisor contemplates out loud, smiling eerily at the three students gathered around the club’s round table.

The three students look at each other uncomfortably before looking somewhat guiltily back at their advisor.

Dr. Snoke doesn’t speak for a long while, studying each student with a stern gaze. He walks forward to the round table.

“For our club activity today, we will be doing something special. Instead of looking to the stars, we will be discussing the circumstance of Ms. Solo’s death,” Dr. Snoke says and then places a hand on the head of the student in the middle. “She is this club’s President, after all.”

The young man flinches when Dr. Snoke’s weathered gnarly fingers lands on top of his head.

“Let us start with your version of her death, Mr. Finn Storm,” Dr. Snoke says lightly and then pulls back from him to walk back to his advisor’s desk.

Finn swallows nervously after that. Not looking at the two students on either side of him. He wrings his hands on his lap before exhaling and looking out the club window where the snow started to fall.

Continue reading “[DRAFT] “why is snow white? (because it forgot what color it was)””

Erin Nicolai

Photo by: Nean Alstreim

A/N: Another one made for Nean’s RP.

Nean is the type to give her all.

That’s why she will never fall in love. She is the one who loves harder than anyone. The one who pours a hundred percent of herself to some lucky person on Earth. She’s the girl who’ll love unconditionally and loyally, but she’s not a girl anymore, is she? She’s just fun and games now; she could also be kisses and condoms. It sounds immature but she likes the control she has over her life, and she’s not about to ruin it with some petty thing called love.

She maybe a coward or just some girl with trust issues, but it’s just her defense mechanism. She’s only protecting herself, because she knows she’ll break if she falls in love. It’s stupid, really, but Nean knows her limits. She should know, because she is the type to give her all.

The cinnamon roll that must be protected by the world.

She may be a hermit when it comes to love but she sure is undeniably irresistible. She makes everyone love her, with her hair that’s spun from bronze, and brown–hot choco brown–eyes that sparkle when she smiles, shy or sly, nobody’s exactly sure. But then, the next thing you will know, you’re trapped in her delicious hold. Trapped may not be the right word because you fell of your own volition, but oh well, you’ll love her forever.