[DRAFT] “why is snow white? (because it forgot what color it was)”

Photo from Ankoku Joshi.

A/N: A draft of a dark Reylo fic I’ve been working on. INCOMPLETE and WORK IN PROGRESS.

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Rey Solo, 17, Student Council President and daughter of School Principal Leia Organa-Solo, was found lying dead on a pile of snow at the school premises this Thursday afternoon. The police are leaning towards foul play with their investigation since a few student and faculty witnesses claim to have heard Solo at the top floor of the faculty building, screaming and crying before plunging to her death on the thick snow covered ground below. The Principal has been seen mourning while her son, Rey Solo’s brother, has disappeared; this brings into light yet another case of unsolved death in the family. . . cont. pg 4.

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“Did Ms. Solo accidentally drop from the faculty building or was she taken there kicking and screaming only to be thrown off the roof to her death?” Dr. Snoke, the Astronomy club’s advisor contemplates out loud, smiling eerily at the three students gathered around the club’s round table.

The three students look at each other uncomfortably before looking somewhat guiltily back at their advisor.

Dr. Snoke doesn’t speak for a long while, studying each student with a stern gaze. He walks forward to the round table.

“For our club activity today, we will be doing something special. Instead of looking to the stars, we will be discussing the circumstance of Ms. Solo’s death,” Dr. Snoke says and then places a hand on the head of the student in the middle. “She is this club’s President, after all.”

The young man flinches when Dr. Snoke’s weathered gnarly fingers lands on top of his head.

“Let us start with your version of her death, Mr. Finn Storm,” Dr. Snoke says lightly and then pulls back from him to walk back to his advisor’s desk.

Finn swallows nervously after that. Not looking at the two students on either side of him. He wrings his hands on his lap before exhaling and looking out the club window where the snow started to fall.

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